How Likely Are You to Get HACKED?

Which of these should you never do online?
Share photos of yourself on social media?
Share your thoughts about life on social media
Say where you are on holiday
Post your date of birth on social media
What is the best way to stop hackers gaining access to one of your online accounts?
Use anti virus software
Clear your history every time after you visit websites
Have a strong Firewall on your home system
Use a complex password that is not easy to guess
You get an email with an attachment from someone you have never heard of before but they sound legitimate.. what do you do?
Open the attachment to have a quick look at whats on it, you migh tbe able to work out who the person is.
Delete the email before even reading it, Hacker Alert.
Do not open the attachment, reply asking for more information. Delete if get a suspicious reply or no reply.
Turn off your computer immediately
What does encryption mean?
Deletes personal information automatically if hackers get it.
It turns your message into a code which you cant read without the encryption key.
Compresses files to make them smaller
Data that gets processed by the firewall
What must you do after using a public computer to avoid getting hacked?
Restart it to get it to forget that you have been on it
Sign into an account using a fake username and password
Log out of any online accounts you have been on
Delete your browsing history
Which is the strongest password?
Finish this well know phrase... "if it looks took good to be true..."
do it cause you are getting a bargain
it probably is
be very careful
trust it
Is public wifi in shops or cafe's safe?
Yes, by law they have to make them secure.
No completely unsecure. Never use them.
It is ok to use them for general web access. But not to log into social media accounts or banking.
They are safe you use a fingerprint scanner on your phone
What is a VPN?
Blocks all hackers from accessing your information
Software which disguises what devices and where your devices is accessing the internet.
Virus Protection Network - Protects your system from viruses
A firewall
Which online activities could end up in getting a virus on your computer?
Shopping on Amazon
Searching for free movies online
Online gambling
Going on to sites that sell really cheap iPhones
What is Phishing?
Catching fish
Someone pretending to be someone else online
When people send emails to try and trick you to downloading a virus.
Advertising cheap technology online
Keeping your device fully up to date with the latest software helps you to...
secure your device from any new viruses or vulnerabilities
access all the latest games without any problems
keep your device valuable
stop it from breaking.
Never download new software from the internet
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