Modify and Add Questions
Tailor the template to your product or service and add questions specific to your customer experience. Add your branding and even question branching it's very easy to do.
Only 6% of Dissatisfied Customers Complain
How accurate are your perceptions of customer satisfaction?
More than 8 out of 10 businesses self rate customer satisfaction as superior. Less than 1 in 10 customers actually rate satisfaction levels as superior.
Sales Indicate Current Performance but Customer Satisfaction is Insight into the Future
How Likely Are Your Customers To Purchase Again and Spread the Word of your Great Business?
Highly satisfied customers not only become loyal repeat customers but research shows they're likely to influence on average 20 potential customers via positive reviews and word of mouth. This is why it's critical to know how many of your customers are likely to reccomend your product or service.
Want More Repeat Business?
98% rate customer experience as the determining factor
It is difficult to directly measure the ROI of improving customer satisfaction and so it often takes a back seat. Consider this, companies in the top 20% of the American Customer Satisfaction Index yield an average return of over 40% per annum.
Customer Insight in Seconds
- Hit Create My Survey and edit questions if the survey doesn't suit
- Now go to share and send the link to your employees
- Keep the results link and monitor your responses
Top Tips to Maximize Results
- Keep your survey short and focused. Customers will not complete long surveys
- Brand your survey with a custom logo. (Click the title and then the image icon)
- Ensure you're asking actionable questions, collect information which directs planning
Why Use Us?
- We serve 100,000+ votes and polls reliably everyday
- Creating an employee survey tailored to your business literally takes seconds
- When you create an account you can easily copy surveys, export results and manage privacy and security
- All responses are encrypted and verified with our digital fingerprint technology
Why Conduct a Customer Satisfaction Survey?
- If you're not currently measuring it you could be missing massive opportunities
- Easily fixable service related problems are the primary cause of low customer satisfaction
- Only 6% of customers complain, don't rely on existing channels
- A 2% increase in satisfaction typcially results in a 10% improve in profit
- Most business lose up to 50% of their customers every 5 years over preventable causes